- February: We started the year with a bang, putting together an energetic Wushu and Taichi performance at O-Week, which won us a healthy amount of new members who were eager to learn all the tricks of Chinese martial arts.
- March: The new wushu members were introduced to our basic stances and kicks, and eventually learned their very first routine—the basic Long Fist!
- April: We organised heaps of outings to strengthen the bond between our members. Having said that, the word "Ricebar" pretty much summed up 70% of our dine-outs in 2015.
- May: Our friendly cross-training with Monash Wushu Club took place twice: one in our Parkville campus, and the other in their Clayton one.
- June: Our members enjoyed a memorable winter camp in rural Daylesford, in which we ate, trained and had a lot of fun! Read the full recap here: bit.ly/1OXZMEb
- July: We really sang our hearts out in these karaoke sessions! Be it rock slash pop slash dance (think Taylor Swift!) or even opera, we've got you covered!
- August: We have bagged ourselves lots of medals at the 17th WTQA Wushu, Taijiquan & Qigong Festival. Please give a big applause for our Wushu male champion Xingda Chen and Wushu female champion Huiying Soh!
- Also in August: We got creative with our performance at Mudfest 2015, where Arts and Sports collided.
- September: Our members enjoyed a day out at Olinda Garden and took plentiful photos of the spring blossoms.
- October: Our club was featured on Meld Magazine. Read the full article, The Art of Wushu, here: bit.ly/1L9KyXf
- November: We started filming our next promotion clip, with the help of freelance photographer Jane Pham.
- December: Ta-daa! Our latest promotion clip was launched and reached 2,700 viewers (and counting!). Missed it? Watch the full clip, MUTW Trailer 2016, here: bit.ly/1UgAb9V