Monash Cross-Training

Hey guys,

Hope holidays (if you have them) are going well and if not, hope you're still finding the time to chill out. Don't forget to train though, because it's that time of year again where we get a look into how the Monash University Wushu Club operates, and demonstrate to them how epically awesome we are. But to cut it short, here are the details on the cross-trainings

Monash Cross Trainings

  • 8th Oct (Thur): We're leaving as a group at 1815 from Melb Uni campus to get to Monash (Clayton). Training time is 1930--2130

  • 16th Oct (Fri): The venue is changed to West Stadium (upstairs) in the Sports Centre to accommodate a larger group. Training time is still 1730--1930 as usual. I will be leading the group for dinner after training to the Tibas Lebanese Restaurant, 504 Sydney Rd.

Please reply to me as soon as possible, and tell me if you're coming to either/both of the cross trainings so I can get an idea for numbers especially on:

  • People who need to carpool in order to get to Monash. We have a couple of cars available, but if there are more people than can currently fit, we'll need to organise more cars.
  • People who are coming to dinner afterwards so that I can book the restaurant

I hope everyone can make it, and any questions, just contact me.

