Night Market Update. Awesome.

Well, what else can I say? It was a huge sucess with awesome people in awesome shiny clothes doing some awesome performances to an awesome crowd.

Special thanks to all the performers who did a superb job demonstrating their skills. A hearty congratulations to all the new performers who garnered the courage to do so!

But a very very special thank you to our awesome performance coordinator, Vivian Loo Sim Fang for directing and coaching our performance team. It's good to know that we're doing the right thing when someone from the crowd says, "Wow, watching them makes me feel like I can do anything!"

Below is a link courtesy of University of Melbourne filming and compiling an awesome video mashup of some of the performances:


I think I'll need to use the thesaurus and search up another word for 'awesome' to describe how awesome these guys and girls are in MUTW...

Belated Updates! Night Market Performance! More updates! Exclaimation marks!

Welcome back to another semester and year of more Taichi and Wushu goodness! Despite the belated updates.

BUT, what we have installed for our club this year is more hard work and lots of fun! And hard work.

Starting off with the MUOSS (Melbourne University Overseas Student Club) Night Market performance on Thursday 7th of April. It will be taking place at Melbourne Uni's concrete lawn, just outside of the Union House. It will start at 6PM running till about 10PM. MUTW's performance will be on the main stage at 7PM. Our line-up will include a host of performers as well as a new demonstration of, Sanshou, Chinese Kick-Boxing. Make sure to come along and check us do some rad flips, sick kicks and awesome performances from everyone!

Also courtesy of Sunny (Kung Keo), he has made a short video clip of our participation in the 2010 WTPA (Wushu Taichi Practitioners Association Inc.) at Monash University.
You can view that right on the left of the panel!
