Boxhill Performance [6/9/2014]

Two performances in a week! How exciting is that?

After the adventure of the WTQA competition, MUTW had another performance on its list. This time, it was for a mooncake festival celebration in Boxhill. And we performed two sessions here. Yay!!

Our WTQA performance
Final pose - A must have...

A salute is equally as important

A group picture where we're not performing. Because...why not? :)
Some stuff that were present in the event: lanterns, crowd, thoughts of mooncake, fun (duh!) and yes, snacks. We wushu people sure love our snacks (or main meals whatever - as long as it's food). 

Like I said - lanterns.
*indignantly* What?! It's mid-autumn festival...
It follows that we went for a meal after our (exhausting?) performance. At a restaurant that was known for its huge portions. But we were not worried - we brought the right person/people with us to help us achieve our task. Plus, they were probably famished after we expended so much energy for our performance.

On a slightly more serious note, we would like to thank all the performers for their time and effort in both the rehearsals and the actual performance. Wasn't it worth it? You know it was... And as usual, thanks to ZZ and our other seniors for their hard work in coordinating these performances. 

p.s. I'm looking forward to the next performance. You probably are too - well, you should be. :P

16th WTQA Competition [31/8/2014]

What can I say? It was a big day for us - lots of excitement plus a bit of nerves. For quite a few of us, it was our first time participating in this competition. Needless to say, we didn't really know what to expect and were pretty surprised (and of course delighted) to have garnered some medals.

As for our seniors, they're not new to getting medals and have once again, performed their routines impressively and obtained great scores. And yes, numerous medals to add to their (extensive) collection.

Yayy - a group photo :)

And some 'action' shots. Admit've been looking forward to the pics...

Is it just me, or is the chair she's sitting on invisible?

Now, you don't want to mess with this girl in pink, do you?

Cause I just love shots of someone jumping - who doesn't?

Straight off an action movie

Oh here's another person-in-the-air-shot. Looks like he's enjoying himself...

Hmm..what do we have here? A variation on the mantis routine? A cheer? 

MUTW would like to congratulate all participants for their wonderful performance. We would especially like to congratulate the 2014's Female Wushu Champion, Male Wushu Champion and Female Taichi Champion, who are, (yes - you guessed it), MUTW members. A huge congratulations to the three of you. Sounds as though MUTW has swept 3 of the 4 main awards. :)

On behalf of MUTW, I would like to thank Master Lily Sun for her guidance and dedication in training all of us for the competition. I'm sure we all agree that we couldn't have done so well without her. We would also like to thank fellow participants, members and everyone else for their support. I can say that the most supportive club trophy from WTQA is well deserved - events like these just wouldn't be the same without you supporters.

You've all been waiting for it...erm...right?

Annnnddd it's readddddyyyyyyy......fresh from the oven network...

^^ There ya go...

The recording of the performance for you to watch again and again and again and...fine I'll stop...again...okay...last time...and again...alright...that's it. And...

To those who have just joined us this semester, you can now watch the changquan which we've just finished. Hope you enjoyed it. :)

To the performers, here's another round of applause. *clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap...and this goes on...*

Have fun All the best with your assignments. Just a few more weeks to winter break. Hang in there...

p.s. I just realised this is the 100th post - yayyy. Well, 100th including unpublished ones.

2014 Night Market

First off, we would like to thank the performers and congratulate them for such a successful performance. For those of you who watched the performance, you'll know that it was fantastic.

Particularly for the beginners, it was a great experience to see the seniors perform and to get an idea of what Wushu is like (and what you signed up for - we expect enthusiasm and/or pride rather than regret. Hem Hem). You would have noticed that the form you're learning at the moment, along with the warm up kicks and jumps, was in the performance. It may seem like a lot now, but with time, you'll become pros at these movements and the cycle of learning new movements begins again. The process is a little independent in a sense that you learn what you want to learn after you learn the basics. It all depends on you, your goals, interests, etc. But having said all that, it's all about the fun and experience you get from Wushu, both as a sport and a community.

For those of you who weren't able/didn't want to (I sure hope not...) watch the performance, fear not. We have recorded the performance and will upload it soon, hopefully within a week or two but it might take a while.

In the meantime, here's some pictures we know you'll love:

Synchronised Changquan: Isn't that fun to watch?

Ladies and Gentleman, we present you...the eagle...

...and the praying mantis

Look at the intensity in the praying mantis' gaze

Fanzi: Super fast punches from this guy in white

Broadsword: What's Wushu without a shout?

Nanquan: You don't want to mess with her

Straightsword: Wow look at that!
Taichi: Slowdown - not everything's about speed, you know

The part where we clap our hands and cheer

Once again, we thank the performers for such a wonderful performance. You can always count on us to look forward to your future performances.

Have a lovely Easter break! (pssst...there's training on the 22nd of April - Hint hint.)

2014 Semester 1 Welcome Dinner

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

The start of the new semester brought newcomers and they obviously deserved a warm welcome. Hence the welcome dinner at Charming Spice.

Yes, it's a szechuan restaurant promising lots and lots of spicy food to fill our stomachs after a long day of training. Fortunately for those of us whose tongues reject spicy food, we did not have to sit and watch the rest as there was no shortage of non-spicy food.

Highlights of the day included an "appetiser" of volleyball(oon) between team spicy and team non-spicy, an unofficial eating competition to see who contributed the most in helping us finish the food (recognition and possibly pride was on the line), and a discussion of [Name goes here - Those who were there, you know who we're talking about. Those who weren't well...well too bad. Kidding. There's always a next time]'s age sequence (trust me: it's not as simple as an increment of one each year).

 Team spicy and team non-spicy reunited for the group picture - sorry we were too busy enjoying ourselves to take more pics :)

We hope everyone had a wonderful time (I know I did). We do go for dinner on Tuesdays and Fridays after training and everyone is welcome to join. Once again, our appreciation and gratitude goes to ZZ for organising this event.

Important notices about Tai Chi Training

Even if you're a wushu member you might be interested in some of this, so make sure you glance through this message so you don't miss out!

First off, sometimes if it's a sunny day, Tai Chi training will move to a grassy area after warm-up. We want to stress that we'll only ever move once the warm-up is finished, but if you're more than 20 minutes late you might show up and find we're gone! If this happens don't worry - we'll either be in that outdoor area between the Asia Centre and the ERC, or we'll be on South Lawn.

Second, Wednesday Tai Chi training will begin on March 26, and run from 6.30 - 8.30pm, again in North Court. This session is open to all members, just like all MUTW training, and will be taught by Sonny Keo, who you might recognise from Friday training. Sonny's going out of his way to teach this class, so I think a gold-coin donation would not go amiss! He's a great martial artist, give the man your love.

Semester 1

To all our new members I hope you enjoyed your first week at MUTW Tai Chi/Wushu and for returning MUTW members - welcome back!

A few important 'start of semester' announcements for both new and returning MUTW members:

MUTW Membership Forms:
It is a requirement of Melbourne University Sports that each member complete and submit a membership form and pay the membership fee early in the semester.

Therefore, here is the membership form which you need to complete and return, along with your membership fee payment, to one of the MUTW committee members at your 2nd training session for the semester.

Here is a link to the membership fee information however if you have any questions feel free to send me an email: MUTW Membership Fee information

MUTW Club T-Shirts:
For new members there is a compulsory club T-Shirt which costs $30 and which we ask members to wear to training.

First Lesson Obligation Free:
For those who are yet to try out either Tai Chi or Wushu you still have a chance to come along to one of our training sessions and don't forget that your first lesson is free.

Semester 1 Welcome Dinner:
An invitation email has been sent inviting everyone to the MUTW Semester 1 Dinner for both return returning members and to welcome new members to the MUTW Community. The dinner will be held at Charming Spice on the corner of Lonsdale and Swantson and for those who will be joining us we will walk there after training Friday night. The price will be approximately $20-25.. depending on how much of an appetite we work up at training!

O-Week and Semester 1 Details

To those who are interested in learning Chinese martial arts, you have come to the right place! If you would like to know more about our club, we, together with other sports clubs, will be having a stall during O-Week. The details are as follows:

  • Thursday 27 February – 11am-3pm (South Lawn, Parkville)
  • Friday 28 February – 11am-3pm (South Lawn, Parkville)

In addition to this, there will be an MU Sport Day on:

  • Thursday 6 March – 11am – 3pm (North Court, Parkville)

Our training time and venues can be found here:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to seeing you!