2015 Year in Review

How have we performed so far? See the highlights of MUTW in 2015!

- February: We started the year with a bang, putting together an energetic Wushu and Taichi performance at O-Week, which won us a healthy amount of new members who were eager to learn all the tricks of Chinese martial arts.

- March: The new wushu members were introduced to our basic stances and kicks, and eventually learned their very first routine—the basic Long Fist!

- April: We organised heaps of outings to strengthen the bond between our members. Having said that, the word "Ricebar" pretty much summed up 70% of our dine-outs in 2015.

- May: Our friendly cross-training with Monash Wushu Club took place twice: one in our Parkville campus, and the other in their Clayton one.

- June: Our members enjoyed a memorable winter camp in rural Daylesford, in which we ate, trained and had a lot of fun! Read the full recap here: bit.ly/1OXZMEb

- July: We really sang our hearts out in these karaoke sessions! Be it rock slash pop slash dance (think Taylor Swift!) or even opera, we've got you covered!

- August: We have bagged ourselves lots of medals at the 17th WTQA Wushu, Taijiquan & Qigong Festival. Please give a big applause for our Wushu male champion Xingda Chen and Wushu female champion Huiying Soh!

- Also in August: We got creative with our performance at Mudfest 2015, where Arts and Sports collided.

- September: Our members enjoyed a day out at Olinda Garden and took plentiful photos of the spring blossoms.

- October: Our club was featured on Meld Magazine. Read the full article, The Art of Wushu, here: bit.ly/1L9KyXf

- November: We started filming our next promotion clip, with the help of freelance photographer Jane Pham.

- December: Ta-daa! Our latest promotion clip was launched and reached 2,700 viewers (and counting!). Missed it? Watch the full clip, MUTW Trailer 2016, here: bit.ly/1UgAb9V

The Art of Wushu: MUTW Trailer 2016

We're happy to announce that the long-awaited trailer for our club has arrived! Discover a wide range of Chinese martial art styles at Melbourne University Taichi & Wushu, including: Changquan, Nanquan, Taijiquan, Bajiquan, Fanziquan and Choy Li Fut.

A big thanks to editor Trinh Le, videographer Jane Pham and the very dedicated performers from our club. Impressed and want to train with us next semester? Check out our times and locations here!